
I have such fond memories of being seven. It was one of my favorite years. I learned so many things and gained so much confidence. I hope that Judah will look back at his seventh year with the same fondness.

Happy Birthday Judah! You never cease to amaze me. I admire your free spirit and sense of self.

I am so glad you were born!


this girl

A baby no more. (sniffle, wipe the tears)

Emary is a fun little gal. She’s super smart and silly! She adores her brothers, Happy (Harper) and Beebah (Judah). Loves to sing, “We-eeeeee, ever!” Can you guess which song that is? She prefers to run and when she does walk it’s on her tip-toes. Likes to scrunch her nose and stick out her tongue. She loves to pick out her own clothes (Lord help me!). A bundle of a blessing this little one is. Beyond love this girl.



first baby

Five years ago today, I was in labor and delivery working hard at bringing my first baby into the world. I remember the pain, the anticipation, the exhaustion (oh! the exhaustion), and the nerves. But above all, I remember the joy. Hearing Justin through laughter and tears tell me, “it’s a boy!” It’s a moment I will forever cherish. I learned many things about myself that day. The utmost thing being that I am strong. I felt that if I could go through 32 hours of labor (3.5 pushing), I could do anything. And even though I have doubted this along the way, it still holds true. I am a strong little lady and I can do this parenting thing!

Today as I sat at the table and drew pictures with my (near) five-year old, I felt so blessed and proud. Proud of Justin and myself and overwhelmed by the blessing that is our son.

Here is a portrait of pregnant me as seen through the eyes of my boy.