this girl

A baby no more. (sniffle, wipe the tears)

Emary is a fun little gal. She’s super smart and silly! She adores her brothers, Happy (Harper) and Beebah (Judah). Loves to sing, “We-eeeeee, ever!” Can you guess which song that is? She prefers to run and when she does walk it’s on her tip-toes. Likes to scrunch her nose and stick out her tongue. She loves to pick out her own clothes (Lord help me!). A bundle of a blessing this little one is. Beyond love this girl.



Year of Gratitude

Okay so I am a bit late posting this. Life happens.

One of my hopes for 2012 is to give more energy to the positive and less to the negative. I often get too focused on the things that need fixing. So, for 2012, I have challenged myself to daily gr’atitude’ checks. I am keeping a daily record of all things positive! Many of which I will post here.

Here are a few from the January.

 bundled boy

ingenious lego creations

the cuteness of curiosity

The Family

It has been awhile since my last family update. Here’s the latest and greatest…

I’ll go first. Pregnancy this time around has been amazing. A true blessing. I am now 37.5 weeks! I will admit that this last week has been harder. I am a bit irrational and a lot a bit tired. Baby could be here as soon as today. I am a bit anxious about labor this time around. Not exactly sure why, other than the pain. Very excited to meet this little person. I just assume we will have another beautiful boy! If we have a girl, I will be so amazed.

Justin is doing really well. He recently took on the role of coach for Judah’s tee-ball team. And he’s loving it! Aside from that, he is working hard and is a wonderful husband and father. I have so much admiration for Justin. He works at everything in life with such passion and excellence! I feel so blessed to have him as my husband and friend.

Judah is at such a great age. He amazes us daily with his marvelous mind. School is one of his favorite things right now. Not sure if it’s because of the pretty girls or the boys who love Star Wars. Either way, I am happy he loves school! Baseball is a huge deal right now. I actually never imagined that he would love baseball so much. But he does and he’s good! Harper and Judah are best buds. Judah has such patience and grace for his brother. He sets a wonderful example for Harper to follow (most days).

Harper is totally three. If you have or have had a three-year old, you know what I mean. Oh, patience. He has finally jumped on the potty train! Pooping in the toilet. Yippie!! Still working on the pee-pee. We started him in preschool at the beginning of the month. He isn’t such a fan of mama leaving him but he soon recovers. And has a great time! I must admit, I am loving the three hours to myself! Harper is still our little lover bug. He is full of hugs and snuggles. I hope he never outgrows that. He is the perfect little brother and loves to break Jude’s Lego creations. Oh brothers!

We finally bought a new family mobile. A Chevrolet Traverse. It seems to be a great fit for our soon to be family of five. Family of five, WOW! Awesome!